Sunday, January 28, 2007

Two stories: First the knives, this is why we don't use anything other than butter knives at the table, and rarely those. He sure had a blast fencing with himself, though.
Second, the helmet, after a bike ride he was determined to keep his helmet on. When I went to take his jacket off he though I was going for the helmet and burst into tears. He now loves to strip off everything but his onesy as soon as he enters the house, so everything came off, but he would have had to take off the helmet to get his shirt the rest of the way off, so it stayed partially on. The helmet only came off to go to bed, and then just barely. Posted by Picasa


Blogger Auntie Ann said...

That is too funny. Does he try to keep the helmet on every time he rides, or was this just an exception? I love the contrast between this picture and the purse one.

6:14 AM  

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