Sunday, August 27, 2006

Settled in

We're finally mostly settled in. I have a car and a bike, I've started classes and found my first rotation lab (the first year we rotate through 4 labs, then decide on one in which we'll spend the rest of our time). Yaping is trying to make new friends, and occasionally hangs out with a very pregnant sister in the ward who lives just down the street (in the same complex). Preston is as happy as could be, although he's gotten a little more possesive of his toys lately. Our apartment is very nice. I guess that's all for the moment.
My new $30 bike that we got at a flea market in all it's glory. We immediately painted it speckled red as a theft deterrent, now it is considerably less pretty. Posted by Picasa
Preston grabbed one of our chinese hymnbooks off the shelf, opened it and started singing. Posted by Picasa
Preston's new toy, yes, mom and dad are suckers. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Preston and his new football, best quarter I ever spent. Posted by Picasa
We came across a group of guys playing basketball in our complex. Preston was totally fascinated, and was a big hit during breaks. Posted by Picasa
There was an awesome lightning storm, this thing seemed to go from the bottom up. Very cool. Posted by Picasa