Sunday, July 29, 2007


I've been computer crazy the last few months (I mean, more than usual)- I have either acquired or sold/given away 11 different computers in the last few months, and have fixed another 3 or so for people. Ya-ping is a great woman for having not strangled me yet. My great acquisition is a dual-core 3Ghz computer that I got for essentially free (and I am writing this blog entry on) :) I also learned Mac OSX. I officially hate mac. Well, not hate, it has some really nice things, I'll just can't stand some of the problems that come with them. Not for me. Fine for someone who doesn't want to tinker, doesn't try to mess with hardware, and doesn't mind paying over $100 for a software update every year- i.e. someone who is my complete opposite. Preston has been bug crazy. Ya-ping has been food crazy. But their craziness combined really doesn't match mine. I really should open up a shop, then at least I could make some money off of my craziness.

Boy meets bug

Boy sees bug

Boy captures bug

Boy kisses bug

Boy introduces bug to his fish

Boy and bug ride off into the sunset together

Preston riding Daddy's bike

Mommy bought hazelnut spread. Do you think he likes it?

Do I have the cutest family or what?

Run Preston Run!

Sunday, July 08, 2007

4th of July

We had a very fun 4th, although I wasn't feeling terribly patriotic (the whole Scooter Libby is way too close to Helaman 6:24 for comfort-grrrrr). We went to a big party downtown sometime after 3:00pm, played for an hour or two, then started walking home until we ran across some water fountains and Preston wanted to play in them. We figured we'd let him play until he was tired. 5 hours later...well, we ended staying for the fireworks at 9:30, no minor feat for a two-year old and a pregnant mommy (umm... in case y'all hadn't heard, Ya-ping is pregnant, due in February).

Preston and the water fountains:

Random post-bath pic: